member, Human Development and Harmony Cluster, Pamayanang SanibLakas ng Pilipinas














8. Gender Sensitivity, Equality & Harmony

Repudiation of all physical, cultural and philosophical & religious justifications for macho-patriarchal beliefs, rules and practices

Promotion and institutionalization of genuine respect between the sexes

Promotion of equality of opportunities for all individuals regardless of sex or gender preference

Attainment of Equality view as institutionalized standard and, upon this premise, focusing on work for Holistic Harmony between the sexes.


  1. Total Human Development and Harmony Through Synergism

  2. Holistic Health Care and Medicine

  3. Deep Ecology and Harmony with Nature 

  4. Sense of History and Sense of Mission

  5. Civics and Democratic Governance

  6. Culture as Community Creativity

  7. Light-Seeking and Light-Sharing Education

  8. Gender Sensitivity, Equality & Harmony

  9. Reconstructive/Restor-ative Justice

10. Associative Economics, Social Capital and Sustainable Development

11. Synergetic Leadership and Organizations

12. Appropriate/Adaptive Technology

13. Mutual Enrichment of Families and Friendships

14. Human Dignity and Human Harmony: Human Rights and Peace

15. Aesthetics Without Boundaries: 'Art from the Heart'   


For Every Woman*

by Nancy Smith

Nancy Smith, author of Workplace Spirituality: A Complete Guide for Business Leaders, is a writer, educator, and ordained deacon whose ministry is to link faith and work, spirituality and justice, passion and ethics. From her own commitment to the Christian faith, she affirms the common spiritual experiences of people of all faiths and encourages inter-religious dialogue. Nancy offers coaching, spiritual direction, and tetreats as well as workshops on Workplace Spirituality and Career Decisions. All are appropriate for both clergy and laity. Visit her web ministry at <>

This poem found its way around the world by word of mouth as part of the Women's Movement and the many consciousness-raising groups in existence then. It was of the same timeframe as Ms. Magazine, Marilyn French's The Women's Room and Marlo Thomas' Free to Be album. It is important to understand its context. It has now been "adapted" with credit to Nancy R. Smith but without her permission. Much of the original wording is still intact in the adaptation, which is being sold in poster form. This is the original!

For every woman who is tired of acting weak when she knows she is strong,
there is a man who is tired of appearing strong when he feels vulnerable.

For every woman who is tired of acting dumb, there is a man who is burdened with the constant expectation of "knowing everything."

For every woman who is tired of being called "an emotional female," there is a man who is denied the right to weep and to be gentle.

For every woman who is called unfeminine when she competes, there is a man for whom competition is the only way to prove his masculinity.

For every woman who is tired of being a sex object, there is a man who must worry about his potency.

For every woman who feels "tied down" by her children, there is a man who is denied the full pleasures of shared parenthood.

For every woman who is denied meaningful employment or equal pay, there is a man who must bear full financial responsibility for another human being.

For every woman who was not taught the intricacies of an automobile, there is a man who was not taught the satisfactions of cooking.

For every woman who takes a step toward her own liberation, there is a man who finds the way to freedom has been made a little easier.

* The inclusion of this article in the holdings of the Lambat-Liwanag On-Line Library is an indication that we are strongly recommending this for perusal by serious students of the Empowering Paradigms. We have not been able to secure information as to whom and at what address we should write in order to request official permission for its inclusion.  As soon as we receive such information, we shall seek the permission, and if such is officially denied, we are ready to remove this item in this collection, albeit reluctantly.

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 formalized in its 1st General Assembly last November 15, 2008

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Consumers & Communicators for Truthful Information

Galing-Pilipino Movement

Kaisahan sa Kamalayan sa Kasaysayan

Kaisari Movement for Gender Harmony

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Kilusang Lakas-Pamayanan

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LightShare Digest (magazine)

LightShare e-Mail List Group

Living Learnings League

National Economic Protectionism Association

SanibDasal Synergetic InterfaithPraying Comm'ty

SanibLakas ng mga Aktibong Lingkod sa Inang Kalikasan

SanibSigla Movement for Holistic Health

Sanib-Sining Movement for Synaesthetics

SYCONE Humanity

Tambuli ng Dakilang Lahi (magasin)





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